Stay Standing: How to thrive with change

You need to stay focused, optimistic and forward moving …. despite disruption. You need a leader with the clinical skills to help people through trauma.


1. Through survey and interview, we find out what’s going on, how people really feel.

2. We find out which of five basic change reactions you have, to understand your own and others’ reaction styles. This increases understanding and empathy, and gives us a recovery roadmap.

3. We practice the skills that successful change adaptors use to stay focused and optimistic, no-matter-what. We learn to balance energy output and avoid burnout.

4. We learn how to look for opportunities and possibilities. Move from “what-if” worry to a “what-now” action plan.

5. Develop a Master Grid Plan that will lead to productive, high-value action. Starting from a new end vision or desired post-COVID future state, work backwards into short -term goals and devise action plans that are scheduled on a daily basis.

My mission is to give hope and optimism during difficult times; to show clear paths forward where there had been none before.

“Change is a force to be feared, or an opportunity to be seized. The choice is ours.”